Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Visual Representation

Late last term Room 1 started on a visual representation of an explorer that they choose, we worked on different activities through out the term to do with that explorer. We also did things like biographies and posters to advertise the explorer’s expedition. They had to be set in the time of the explorers expeditions and needed to be attractive so that they catch the readers attention, colourful and bright and have pictures of the explorer things like their boats and crew.
The visual representation was really fun, there were basically no rules, you could do it in whatever form of art you wanted, some people took a picture of where their explorer explored and recreated the picture by painting it in their own style, some people used different textures to create effect and some people made two different pictures, one of what everyone thought the place looked like and one of what it ended up actually looking like, there was a huge difference. Also, a lot of people made great models about what their explorer’s ship looked like, they were all really great and we all enjoyed doing it!

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