Friday, 18 April 2008

Term Gone

A term ago we started a whole new year at Little River school. This year was very different compared to the past years for an important teacher left at the end of 2007. So we have 3 different years in our class (6, 7, 8). Recently we have been working on our topic "Kia Kaha, Tu Toa, Aotearoa". which has been involved with all sorts of subjects like reading, art, writing and topic.

In reading we have been reading books that are about New Zealand history. Then we have illustrated one of the books that we have read and pinned them on the timeline around the class.

In art we have been doing 3D drawings and self portraits.

In writing we have done descriptive writing of a close member of our family and about our triathlon experiences.

In topic we have been designing a coat of arms about ourself and our family. We had to put a latin motto with it.
Sophies motto is: Vsquequaque tribuo centum% which means Always give 100%.
Rebeccas motto is: Ago vitavia vos volout which means Live life the way you want to because its the only one you have.

We have taken some pictures one is Sophies Coat Of Arms and the other is Amys 3D drawing.


Wednesday, 19 March 2008

A belated Happy New Year!

A new year, a new class! Lots of changes at Little River School means that Room 1 is now a Y6, 7 and 8 composition of 27 wonderful Little River students. I will leave Rebecca and Sophie to tell you more!

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

You are what you eat you reap what you sow

This term for topic we have been learning to eat healthily and why you eat healthily. Now we know that grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meats are in the five-food groups. I have learnt about the food pyramid, additives a simple way model of how to stay healthy, exercise and energy
Vitamins and fats, deciding if children if they can choose to eat healthy.


Room 1 students have been doing food work in topic. One of the things that they had to do was about additives.

We got given a big bag of full of food that was in packets. We had to find all the numbers in the ingredients list. When we had found all the numbers we had a sheet and it told us what all the numbers were.

Into a table we had to put the number, what it was and what the number was.

Food Components

This term for topic we have been learning about healthy eating, at the moment we having been working on food components.
The food components are carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fat, and protein.
At the moment I had done two work sheets about fat and vitamin.
Here are a few things about them.

FAT=some fats are good for you like unsaturated fat and the bad ones are trans and saturated fat.

VITAMINS=there are different types of vitamins like vitamins b, vitamin a, vitamin c, vitamins d, vitamin e, vitamin k.

Kapa Haka

Room 1 and 2 students have chosen to do Kapa Haka this term to preform at the end of year prize giving.
We warm up before every lesson by the doing Kumara Kumara, we start off doing it in a quiet voice and we gradually get louder and louder until we hold it and then we go back down again.
We then start off by doing a song for everyone in the group and then a song for the girls and then the boys do the Haka, It is pretty much the same as the All Blacks but there are a few different words.

Fitness Training

Our major focus this term is fitness. This is a photo from last term's Jump Rope, skipping is an excellent way to keep fit!